We’ve advocated taking an immune health supplement every day for years. 5 Day Elderberry Immune is NOT that supplement. This targeted formula is designed to immediately support your immune response, with only eight tablets a day for five days. This formula gives your immune system intense nutritional support for when you need it most, so you stay at your best.
Standardized elderberry extract
Elderberry extract has a reputation for its ability to promote a healthy immune response—a reputation that research now seems to confirm. A meta-analysis of four separate studies indicates that supplementation with a standardized elderberry extract lessened duration and response to immune challenge—with results noticed in as little as two days in one study.
Every tablet of 5-Day Elderberry Immune delivers 90 mg of elderberry extract standardized to anthocyanins. This works out to over 700 mg of standardized elderberry extract a day, offering powerful and immediate support to healthy immune response and respiratory health.
10 mg of zinc
Zinc ions help encourage your body’s first line of defense. This is one reason why zinc is so well-respected for its ability to provide an immediate support to healthy immune response. Multiple studies have shown that zinc helps lessen duration and response to immune challenge—especially if you start taking it quickly.
Every tablet of 5-Day Elderberry Immune delivers 10 mg of zinc. That works out to 80 mg of zinc, delivered throughout the day, giving your body a near-constant supply of zinc to support a healthy immune response.
125 mg of vitamin C
Another meta-analysis of research into vitamin C revealed that taking vitamin C helped lessen duration and response to immune challenges. Every tablet of 5-Day Elderberry Immune delivers 125 mg of vitamin C. That works out to 1000 mg of vitamin C delivered throughout the day, giving your body a near-constant supply of this powerful antioxidant known for its immune health properties.
Сорбитол, ксилитол, стеариновая кислота, клубничный ароматизатор, диоксид кремния, лимонная кислота, модификатор вкуса, экстракт стевии, мальтодекстрин.
Вред для репродуктивной системы - P65
Пищевая добавка с цинком может препятствовать усвоению и доступности меди. Если более 50 мг дополнительного цинка принимается ежедневно в течение более четырех недель, необходимо принимать 2 мг меди дополнительно, чтобы сократить риск дефицита.
Хранить в плотно закрытой упаковке в сухом и прохладном месте.
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