Our blueberry supplement contains powerful health-promoting antioxidants that inhibit oxidative stress and promote a healthy inflammatory response, as well as memory health.
Blueberries contain powerful health-promoting compounds called anthocyanins and pterostilbene that inhibit oxidative stress and promote a healthy inflammatory response in the brain and throughout the body. Pterostilbene also helps maintain already-healthy lipid and glucose levels.
Anthocyanins are some of nature’s most powerful antioxidants. They protect cells from oxidizing free radicals.
Blueberry Extract Capsules Benefits
Blueberry Extract for Brain Health
Scientists have discovered that blueberries may promote healthy brain and cognitive function. And wild blueberry extracts have been shown to inhibit oxidative stress and promote a healthy inflammatory response in brain cells to support memory health.
Blueberries contain powerful health-promoting compounds called anthocyanins and pterostilbene that both inhibit oxidative stress and promote a healthy inflammatory response.
Blueberry compounds: anthocyanins & pterostilbene
The anthocyanins in blueberries are some of nature’s most powerful antioxidants. They protect cells and other vulnerable biological structures from oxidizing free radicals.
Pterostilbene is another blueberry constituent that helps maintain already-healthy lipid (cholesterol) and glucose (blood sugar) levels. Through its intriguing biological effects and antioxidative potential, pterostilbene helps maintain healthy DNA structure.
Blueberry extract for brain health.
Scientists have discovered that blueberries may promote healthy brain and cognitive function. And wild blueberry extracts have been shown to inhibit oxidative stress and promote a healthy inflammatory response in brain cells to support memory health.
Мальтодекстрин, растительная целлюлоза (капсула), рисовый концентрат, диоксид кремния.
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